Generalising Message Implementation

Previous chapters described MessageBase class, which provided implementation for some portions of polymorphic behaviour defined in the interface class Message. Such implementation eliminated common boilerplate code used in every ActualMessage* class.

This chapter is going to generalise the implementation of MessageBase into the generic comms::MessageBase class, which is communication protocol independent and can be re-used in any other development.

The generic comms::MessageBase class must be able to:

  • provide the ID of the message, i.e. implement the idImpl()

    virtual member function, when such ID is known at compile time.

  • provide common dispatch functionality, i.e. implement dispatchImpl()

    virtual member function, described in

    Message / Dispatching and Handling chapter.

  • support extension of the default message interface, described in

    Message / Extending Interface chapter.

  • automate common operations on fields, i.e. implement readImpl(), writeImpl(),

    lengthImpl(), etc..., described in

    Fields / Automating Basic Operations chapter.

Just like common comms::Message interface class, the comms::MessageBase will also receive options to define its behaviour.

namespace comms
template <typename TBase, typename... TOptions>
class MessageBase : public TBase
} // namespace comms

Note, that the comms::MessageBase class receives its base class as a template parameter. It is expected to be any variant of comms::Message or any extended interface class, which inherits from comms::Message.

The supported options may include:

namespace comms
namespace option
// Provide static numeric ID, to facilitate implementation of idImpl()
template <std::intmax_t TId>
struct StaticNumIdImpl {};

// Facilitate implementation of dispatchImpl()
template <typename TActual>
struct DispatchImpl {};

// Provide fields of the message, facilitate implementation of
// readImpl(), writeImpl(), lengthImpl(), validImpl(), etc...
template <typename TFields>
struct FieldsImpl {};

} // namespace option
} // namespace comms

Parsing the Options

The options provided to the comm::MessageBase class need to be parsed in a very similar way as it was with comms::Message in the previous chapter.

Starting with initial version of the options struct:

namespace comms
template <typename... TOptions>
class MessageImplParsedOptions;

template <>
struct MessageImplParsedOptions<>
    static const bool HasStaticNumIdImpl = false;
    static const bool HasDispatchImpl = false;
    static const bool HasFieldsImpl = false;
} // namespace comms

and replacing the initial value of the appropriate variable with new ones, when appropriate option is discovered:

namespace comms
template <std::intmax_t TId, typename... TOptions>
struct MessageImplParsedOptions<option::StaticNumIdImpl<TId>, TOptions...> :
        public MessageImplParsedOptions<TOptions...>
    static const bool HasStaticNumIdImpl = true;
    static const std::intmax_t MsgId = TID;

template <typename TActual, typename... TOptions>
struct MessageImplParsedOptions<option::DispatchImpl<TActual>, TOptions...> :
        public MessageImplParsedOptions<TOptions...>
    static const bool HasDispatchImpl = true;
    using ActualMessage = TActual;

template <typename TFields, typename... TOptions>
struct MessageImplParsedOptions<option::FieldsImpl<TFields>, TOptions...> :
        public MessageImplParsedOptions<TOptions...>
    static const bool HasFieldsImpl = true;
    using Fields = TFields;
} // namespace comms

Assemble the Required Implementation

Just like with building custom message interface, there is a need to create chunks of implementation parts and connect them using inheritance based on used options.

namespace comms
// ID information chunk
template <typename TBase, std::intmax_t TId>
class MessageImplStaticNumIdBase : public TBase
    // Reuse the message ID type defined in the interface
    using MsgIdType = typename Base::MsgIdType;

    virtual MsgIdType getIdImpl() const override
        return static_cast<MsgIdType>(TId);

// Dispatch implementation chunk
template <typename TBase, typename TActual>
class MessageImplDispatchBase : public TBase
    // Reuse the Handler type defined in the interface class
    using Handler = typename Base::Handler;

    virtual void dispatchImpl(Handler& handler) const override
} // namespace comms

NOTE, that single option comms::option::FieldsImpl<> may facilitate implementation of multiple functions: readImpl(), writeImpl(), lengthImpl(), etc... Every such function was declared due to using a separate option when defining the interface. We'll have to cherry-pick appropriate implementation parts, based on the interface options. As the result, these implementation chunks must be split into separate classes.

namespace comms
template <typename TBase, typename TFields>
class MessageImplFieldsBase : public TBase
    using AllFields = TFields;

    AllFields& fields() { return m_fields; }
    const AllFields& fields() const { return m_fields; }
    TFields m_fields;

template <typename TBase>
class NessageImplFieldsReadBase : public TBase
    // Reuse ReadIterator definition from interface class
    using ReadIterator = typename TBase::ReadIterator;
    virtual ErrorStatus readImpl(ReadIterator& iter, std::size_t len) override 
        // Access fields via interface provided in previous chunk
        auto& allFields = TBase::fields(); 
        ... // read all the fields

... // and so on
} // namespace comms

All these implementation chunks are connected together using extra helper classes in a very similar way to how the interface chunks where connected:

Add idImpl() if needed

namespace comms
template <typename TBase, typename ParsedImplOptions, bool TImplement>
struct MessageImplProcessStaticNumId;

template <typename TBase, typename ParsedImplOptions>
struct MessageImplProcessStaticNumId<TBase, ParsedImplOptions, true>
    using Type = MessageImplStaticNumIdBase<TBase, ParsedImplOptions::MsgId>;

template <typename TBase, typename ParsedImplOptions>
struct MessageInterfaceProcessEndian<TBase, false>
    using Type = TBase;
} // namespace comms

Add dispatchImpl() if needed

namespace comms
template <typename TBase, typename ParsedImplOptions, bool TImplement>
struct MessageImplProcessDispatch;

template <typename TBase, typename ParsedImplOptions>
struct MessageImplProcessDispatch<TBase, ParsedImplOptions, true>
    using Type = MessageImplDispatchBase<TBase, typename ParsedImplOptions::ActualMessage>;

template <typename TBase, typename ParsedImplOptions>
struct MessageImplProcessDispatch<TBase, false>
    using Type = TBase;
} // namespace comms

Add fields() access if needed

namespace comms
template <typename TBase, typename ParsedImplOptions, bool TImplement>
struct MessageImplProcessFields;

template <typename TBase, typename ParsedImplOptions>
struct MessageImplProcessFields<TBase, ParsedImplOptions, true>
    using Type = MessageImplFieldsBase<TBase, typename ParsedImplOptions::Fields>;

template <typename TBase, typename ParsedImplOptions>
struct MessageImplProcessFields<TBase, false>
    using Type = TBase;
} // namespace comms

Add readImpl() if needed

namespace comms
template <typename TBase, bool TImplement>
struct MessageImplProcessReadFields;

template <typename TBase>
struct MessageImplProcessReadFields<TBase, true>
    using Type = NessageImplFieldsReadBase<TBase>;

template <typename TBase>
struct MessageImplProcessReadFields<TBase, false>
    using Type = TBase;

} // namespace comms

And so on for all the required implementation chunks: writeImpl(), lengthImpl(), validImpl(), etc...

The final stage is to connect all the implementation chunks together via inheritance and derive comms::MessageBase class from the result.

NOTE, that existence of the implementation chunk depends not only on the implementation options provided to comms::MessageBase, but also on the interface options provided to comms::Message. For example, writeImpl() must be added only if comms::Message interface includes write() member function (comms::option::WriteIterator<> option was used) and implementation option which adds support for fields (comms::option::FieldsImpl<>) was passed to comms::MessageBase.

The implementation builder helper class looks as following:

namespace comms
// TBase is interface class
// TOptions... are the implementation options
template <typename TBase, typename... TOptions>
struct MessageImplBuilder
    // ParsedOptions class is supposed to be defined in comms::Message class
    using InterfaceOptions = typename TBase::ParsedOptions;

    // Parse implementation options
    using ImplOptions = MessageImplParsedOptions<TOptions...>;

    // Provide idImpl() if possible
    static const bool HasStaticNumIdImpl = 
        InterfaceOptions::HasMsgIdType && ImplOptions::HasStaticNumIdImpl;
    using Base1 = typename MessageImplProcessStaticNumId<
            TBase, ImplOptions, HasStaticNumIdImpl>::Type;

    // Provide dispatchImpl() if possible
    static const bool HasDispatchImpl = 
        InterfaceOptions::HasHandler && ImplOptions::HasDispatchImpl;
    using Base2 = typename MessageImplProcessDispatch<
            Base1, ImplOptions, HasDispatchImpl>::Type;

    // Provide access to fields if possible
    using Base3 = typename MessageImplProcessFields<
            Base2, ImplOptions, ImplOptions::HasFieldsImpl>::Type;

    // Provide readImpl() if possible
    static const bool HasReadImpl = 
        InterfaceOptions::HasReadIterator && ImplOptions::HasFieldsImpl;
    using Base4 = typename MessageImplProcessReadFields<
            Base3, HasReadImpl>::Type;

    // And so on...
    using BaseN = ...;

    // The last BaseN must be taken as final type.
    using Type = BaseN;
} // namespace comms

Defining the generic comms::MessageBase:

namespace comms
template <typename TBase, typename... TOptions>
class MessageBase : public typename MessageImplBuilder<TBase, TOptions>::Type
} // namespace comms

Please note, that TBase template parameter is passed to MessageImplBuilder<>, which in turn passes it up the chain of possible implementation chunks, and at the end it turns up to be the base class of the whole hierarchy.

The total number of used classes may seem scary, but there are only two, which are of any particular interest to us when implementing communication protocol. It's comms::Message to specify the interface and comms::MessageBase to provide default implementation of particular functions. All the rest are just implementation details.


After all this work our library contains generic comms::Message class, that defines the interface, as well as generic comms::MessageBase class, that provides default implementation for required polymorphic functionality.

Let's define a custom communication protocol which uses little endian for data serialisation and has numeric message ID type defined with the enumeration below:

enum MyMsgId

Assuming we have relevant field classes in place (see Fields chapter), let's define custom ActualMessage1 that contains two integer value fields: 2 bytes unsigned value and 1 byte signed value.

using ActualMessage1Fields = std::tuple<
template <typename TMessageInterface>
class ActualMessage1 : public 
        comms::option::StaticNumIdImpl<MyMsgId_Msg1>, // provide idImpl() if needed
        comms::option::DispatchImpl<ActualMessage1>, // provide dispatchImpl() if needed
        comms::option::FieldsImpl<ActualMessage1Fields> // provide access to fields and
                                                        // readImpl(), writeImpl(),
                                                        // lengthImpl(), validImpl() 
                                                        // functions if needed

That's it, no extra member functions are needed to be implemented, unless the message interface class is extended one. Note, that the implementation of the ActualMessage1 is completely generic and doesn't depend on the actual message interface. It can be reused in any application with any runtime environment that uses our custom protocol.

The interface class is defined according to the requirements of the application, that uses the implementation of the defined protocol.

class MyHandler; // forward declaration of the handler class.
using MyMessage = comms::Message<
    comms::option::MsgIdType<MyMsgId>, // add id() operation
    comms::option::ReadIterator<const std::uint8_t*>, // add read() operation
    comms::option::WriteIterator<std::uint8_t*> // add write() operation
    comms::option::Handler<MyHandler>, // add dispatch() operation
    comms::option::LengthInfoInterface, // add length() operation
    comms::option::ValidCheckInterface, // add valid() operation
    comms::option::LittleEndian // use little endian for serialisation

For convenience the protocol messages should be redefined with appropriate interface:

using MyActualMessage1 = ActualMessage1<MyMessage>;
using MyActualMessage2 = ActualMessage2<MyMessage>;

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