Code Generation vs C++ Library

The implementation of the binary communication protocols can be a tedious, time consuming and error-prone process. Therefore, there is a growing tendency among developers to use third party code generators for data (de)serialisation. Usually such tools receive description of the protocol data layout in separate source file(s) with a custom grammar, and generate appropriate (de)serialisation code and necessary abstractions to access the data.

There are so many of them: ProtoBuf, Cap'n Proto, MessagePack, Thrift, Kaitai Struct, Protlr, you-name-it... All of these tools are capable of generating C++ code. However, the generated code quite often is not good enough to be used in embedded systems, especially bare-metal ones. Either the produced C++ code or the tool itself has at least one of the following limitations:

  • Inability to specify binary data layout. Many of the tools use their own

    serialisation format without an ability to provide custom one. It makes them

    impossible to use to implement already defined and used binary communication


  • Inability to customise underlying types. Most (or all) of the mentioned code

    generating tools, which do allow customisation of binary data layout,

    choose to use std::string for string fields and/or

    std::vector for lists, as well as (de)serialisation code is generated to use

    standard streams (std::istream and std::ostream). Even if such ability

    is provided, it is usually "global" one and do not allow substitution of types only for

    specific messages / fields.

  • Small number of supported data fields or limited number of their serialisation options.

    For example, strings can be serialised by being prefixed with their size

    (which in turn can have different lengths), or being terminated with '\0', or

    having fixed size with '\0' padding if the string is too short. There are

    protocols that use all three variants of strings.

  • Poor or weak description grammar without an ability to support conditional

    (de)serialisation. For example, having a value

    (such as single bit in some bitmask field) which determines whether some other

    optional field exists or not.

  • Lack of polymorphic interface to allow implementation of the common code for all the

    defined messages.

  • When polymorphic interface with virtual functions is provided, there is no

    way to exclude generation of unnecessary virtual functions for a particular embedded application.

    All the provided virtual functions will probably remain in the final image even

    if they are not used.

  • Lack of efficient built-in way of dispatching the deserialised message object into

    its appropriate handling function. There is a need to provide a separate

    dispatch table or map from message ID to some callback function or object.

  • Lack of ability to override or complement the generated serialisation code with the manually

    written one where extra logic is required.

The generalisation is hard. Especially when the main focus of the tools' developers is on supporting as many target programming languages as possible, rather than allowing multiple configuration variants of a single specific language. Currently there is no universal fit all needs code generation solution that can handle all the existing and being used binary communication protocols. As the result many embedded C++ developers still have to manually implement them rather than relying on the existing tools for code generation.

There is still a way to help them in such endeavour by developing a C++ library which will provide highly configurable classes, usage of which will allow to implement required functionality using simple declarative statements of types and classes definitions (instead of implementing everything from scratch). That's what this book is all about.

Thanks to new language features introduced in C++11 standard and multiple meta-programming techniques, it becomes possible to write simple, clear, but highly configurable code, which can be used in multiple applications: embedded bare-metal with limited resources, Linux based platform, even the GUI analysis tools. They all can use the same single implementation of the protocol, but each generate the code suitable for the developed platform / application. The C++ compiler itself serves as code generation tool.

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