Main Challenges
There are multiple challenges that need to be considered prior to starting implementation of any communication protocol. It will guide us into the right direction when designing an overall architecture.
Code Boilerplating
The communication protocols are notorious for creating a boilerplate code. As a whole, most of them are very similar, they define various messages with their internal fields, define serialisation rules for all the fields and wrap them in some kind of transport information to ensure safe delivery of the message over the I/O link.
When serialising any message, all its fields must be serialised in predefined order. There is also very limited number of field types that is usually used:
numeric values - may differ in sizes, being signed or unsigned, have a different
ranges of valid values, etc...
enumeration values - similar to numeric values, but have a very limited range
of valid values, and
type is usually used to operate the values, just forconvenience.
bitmask values - similar to numeric values, but each bit has a different
strings - may differ in the way they are serialised (zero-suffixed or size-prefixed).
lists of raw bytes or other fields - may have fixed (predefined) or
variable size.
bundles of multiple fields - may be used as a single element of a list.
bitfields - similar to bundles, but internal member fields have a length of
several bits (instead of bytes).
The number of field types is quite small, but the number of different nuances when serialising or using a single field is much bigger. It is very difficult to generalise such use and most developers don't even bother to come up with something generic. As the result they experience a deja-vu feeling every time they have to implement a new message or add a new field into an existing message. There is a strong feeling that the code is being duplicated, but there is no obvious and/or easy way to minimise it.
Runtime Efficiency
In most cases the messages are differentiated by some numeric ID value. When a new message is received over some I/O link, it needs to be identified and dispatched to appropriate handling function. Many developers implement this logic using simple switch
statement. However, after about 7 - 10 case
s such dispatch mechanism becomes quite inefficient, and its inefficiency grows with number of new messages being introduced. When not having a limitation of inability to use dynamic memory allocation and/or exception, some developers resort to standard collections (std::map
for example) of pointer to functions or std::function
objects. Bare-metal developers usually stick to the switch
statement option incurring certain performance penalties when the implemented communication protocol grows.
Protocol Extension Effort
Also keep in mind the development effort that will be required to introduce a new message to the protocol being implemented. The number of different places in the existing code base, that need to be modified/updated, must obviously be kept at a minimum. Ideally no more than 2 or 3, but most implementations I've seen significantly bypass these numbers. In many cases developers forget to introduce compile time checks, such as static_assert
statements to verify that all the required places in the code have been updated after new message was introduced. Failure to do so results in unexpected bugs and extended development effort to find and fix them.
What about extending an existing message by adding an extra field at the end or even in the middle? How easy is it going to be and how much development time needs to be spent? How error-prone is it going to be?
Inter-System Reuse
Quite often the implementation of the same protocol needs to be reused between different systems. For example, some embedded sensor device needs to communicate its data to a management server (both implemented in C++) and it would be wise to share the same implementation of the communication protocol on both ends. However, managing the I/O link and usage of various data structures may be different for both of them. Making the implementation of the communication protocol system dependent may make such reuse impossible.
Sometimes different teams are responsible for implementation of different systems, that use the same communication protocol but that reside on different ends of the communication link. Usually such teams make an upfront decision not to share the implementation of the communication protocol they use. Even in this case, making the implementation system dependent is a bad idea. It may be necessary to develop some additional protocol testing tools because the other team has not completed the development of their product in time.
Intra-System Reuse
It is not uncommon for various embedded systems to add extra I/O interfaces in the next generations of the device hardware, which can be used to communicate with other devices using the same protocol. For example, the first generation of some embedded sensor communicates its data over TCP/IP network link to some data management server. The second generation adds a Bluetooth interface that allows to communicate the same data to a tablet of the person working nearby. The application level messages, used to communicate the data, are the same for the server and the tablet. However, the transport wrapping information for TCP/IP and Bluetooth will obviously differ. If initial implementation of the communication protocol hasn't properly separated the application level messages and wrapping transport data, it's going to be difficult, time consuming and error-prone to introduce a new communication channel via Bluetooth I/O link.
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