Generalising Fields Implementation

The automation of read/write operations of the message required fields to expose predefined minimal interface:

class SomeField
    // Value storage type definition
    using ValueType = ...;

    // Provide an access to the stored value
    ValueType& value();
    const ValueType& value() const;

    // Read (deserialise) and update internal value
    template <typename TIter>
    ErrorStatus read(TIter& iter, std::size_t len);

    // Write (serialise) internal value
    template <typename TIter>
    ErrorStatus write(TIter& iter, std::size_t len) const;

    // Get the serialisation length
    std::size_t length() const;

    ValueType m_value;

The read/write operations will probably require knowledge about the serialisation endian used for the protocol. We need to come up with the way to convey the endian information to the field classes. I would recommend doing it by having common base class for all the fields:

namespace comms
template <bool THasLittleEndian>
class Field
    // Read value using appropriate endian
    template <typename T, typename TIter>
    static T readData(TIter& iter) {...} 

    // Read partial value using appropriate endian
    template <typename T, std::size_t TSize, typename TIter>
    static T readData(TIter& iter) {...}

    // Write value using appropriate endian
    template <typename T, typename TIter>
    static void writeData(T value, TIter& iter) {...}

    // Write partial value using appropriate endian
    template <std::size_t TSize, typename T, typename TIter>
    static void writeData(T value, TIter& iter)
} // namespace comms

The choice of the right endian may be implemented using Tag Dispatch Idiom.

namespace comms
template <bool THasLittleEndian>
class Field
    // Read value using appropriate endian
    template <typename T, typename TIter>
    static T readData(TIter& iter) 
        // Dispatch to appropriate read function
        return readDataInternal<T>(iter, Tag());

    BigEndianTag {};
    LittleEndianTag {};

    using Tag = typename std::conditional<

    // Read value using big endian
    template <typename T, typename TIter>
    static T readBig(TIter& iter) {...} 

    // Read value using little endian
    template <typename T, typename TIter>
    static T readLittle(TIter& iter) {...} 

    // Dispatch to readBig()
    template <typename T, typename TIter>
    static T readDataInternal(TIter& iter, BigEndianTag) 
        return readBig<T>(iter);

    // Dispatch to readLittle()
    template <typename T, typename TIter>
    static T readDataInternal(TIter& iter, LittleEndianTag) 
        return readLittle<T>(iter);
} // namespace comms

Every field class should receive its base class as a template parameter and may use available readData() and writeData() static member functions when serialising/deserialising internal value in read() and write() member functions.

For example:

namespace comms
template <typename TBase, typename TValueType>
class IntValueField : public TBase
    using Base = TBase;
    using ValueType = TValueType;
    template <typename TIter>
    ErrorStatus read(TIter& iter, std::size_t len)
        if (len < length()) {
            return ErrorStatus::NotEnoughData;

        m_value = Base::template read<ValueType>(iter);
        return ErrorStatus::Success;

    template <typename TIter>
    ErrorStatus write(TIter& iter, std::size_t len) const
        if (len < length()) {
            return ErrorStatus::BufferOverflow;

        Base::write(m_value, iter);
        return ErrorStatus::Success

    static constexpr std::size_t length()
        return sizeof(ValueType);

    ValueType m_value
} // namespace comms

When the endian is known and fixed (for example when implementing third party protocol according to provided specifications), and there is little chance it's ever going to change, the base class for all the fields may be explicitly defined:

using MyProjField = comms::Field<false>; // Use big endian for fields serialisation
using MyIntField = comms::IntValueField<MyProjField>;

However, there may be the case when the endian information is not known up front, and the one provided to the message interface definition (comms::Message) must be used. In this case, the message interface class may define common base class for all the fields:

namespace comms
template <typename... TOptions>
class Message : public typename MessageInterfaceBuilder<TOptions...>::Type
    using Base = typename MessageInterfaceBuilder<TOptions...>::Type;
    using ParsedOptions = typename Base::ParsedOptions ;
    using Field = comms::Field<ParsedOptions::HasLittleEndian>;
} // namespace comms

As the result the definition of the message's fields must receive a template parameter of the base class for all the fields:

template <typename TFieldBase>
using ActualMessage1Fields = std::tuple<

template <typename TMsgInterface>
class ActualMessage1 : public 
        comms::option::FieldsImpl<ActualMessage1Fields<typename TMsgInterface::Field> >,

Multiple Ways to Serialise Fields

The Common Field Types chapter described most common types of fields with various serialisation and handling nuances, which can be used to implement a custom communication protocol.

Let's take the basic integer value field as an example. The most common way to serialise it is just read/write its internally stored value as is. However, there may be cases when serialisation takes limited number of bytes. Let's say, the protocol specification states that some integer value consumes only 3 bytes in the serialised bytes sequence. In this case the value will probably be be stored using std::int32_t or std::uint32_t type. The field class will also require different implementation of read/write/length functionality.

Another possible case is a necessity to add/subtract some predefined offset to/from the value being serialised and subtracting/adding the same offset when the value is deserialised. Good example of such case would be the serialisation of a year information, which is serialised as an offset from year 2000 and consumes only 1 byte. It is possible to store the value as a single byte (comms::IntValueField<..., std::uint8_t>), but it would be very inconvenient. It is much better if we could store a normal year value (2015, 2016, etc ...) using std::uint16_t type, but when serialising, the values that get written are 15, 16, etc... NOTE, that such field requires two steps in its serialisation logic:

  • add required offset (-2000 in the example above)

  • limit the number of bytes when serialising the result

Another popular way to serialise integer value is to use Base-128 encoding. In this case the number of bytes in the serialisation sequence is not fixed.

What if some protocol decides to serialise the same offset from year 2000, but using the Base-128 encoding? It becomes obvious that having a separate field class for every possible variant is impractical at least. There must be a way to split the serialisation logic into small chunks, which can be applied one on top of another.

Using the same idea of the options and adapting the behaviour of the field class accordingly, we can generalise all the fields into a small subset of classes and make them also part of our generic library.

The options described earlier may be defined using following option classes:

namespace comms
namespace option
// Provide fixed serialisation length
template<std::size_t TLen>
struct FixedLength {};

// Provide numeric offset to be added to the value before serialisation
template<std::intmax_t TOffset>
struct NumValueSerOffset {};

// Force using variable length (base-128 encoding) while providing
// minimal and maximal allowed serialisation lengths.
template<std::size_t TMin, std::size_t TMax>
struct VarLength {};

} // namespace option
} // namespace comms

Parsing the Options

In a very similar way to parsing options of the message interface (comms::Message) and message implementation (comms::MessageBase) described in earlier chapters, we will create a struct, that will contain all the provided information to be used later.

namespace comms
template <typename... TOptions>
struct FieldParsedOptions;

template <>
struct FieldParsedOptions<>
    static const bool HasSerOffset = false;
    static const bool HasFixedLengthLimit = false;
    static const bool HasVarLengthLimits = false;

template <std::size_t TLen, typename... TOptions>
struct FieldParsedOptions<option::FixedLength<TLen>, TOptions...> : 
    public FieldParsedOptions<TOptions...>
    static const bool HasFixedLengthLimit = true;
    static const std::size_t FixedLengthLimit = TLen;

template <std::intmax_t TOffset, typename... TOptions>
struct FieldParsedOptions<option::NumValueSerOffset<TOffset>, TOptions...> : 
    public FieldParsedOptions<TOptions...>
    static const bool HasSerOffset = true;
    static const auto SerOffset = TOffset;

template <std::size_t TMinLen, std::size_t TMaxLen, typename... TOptions>
struct FieldParsedOptions<VarLength<TMinLen, TMaxLen>, TOptions...> : 
    public FieldParsedOptions<TOptions...>
    static const bool HasVarLengthLimits = true;
    static const std::size_t MinVarLength = TMinLen;
    static const std::size_t MaxVarLength = TMaxLen;
} // namespace comms

Assemble the Required Functionality

Before parsing the options and assembling the right functionality there is a need to start with basic integer value functionality:

namespace comms
template <typename TFieldBase, typename TValueType>
class BasicIntValue : public TFieldBase
    using ValueType = TValueType;

    ... // rest of the interface
    ValueType m_value;
} // namespace comms

Such field receives its base class and the type of the value it stores. The implementation of read/write/length functionalities are very basic and straightforward.

Now, we need to prepare various adaptor classes that will wrap or replace the existing interface functions:

namespace comms
template <std::intmax_t TOffset, typename TNext>
class SerOffsetAdaptor
    ... // public interface
    TNext m_next;

template <std::size_t TLen, typename TNext>
class FixedLengthAdaptor
    ... // public interface
    TNext m_next;

... // and so on
} // namespace comms

NOTE, that the adaptor classes above wrap one another (TNext template parameter) and either replace or forward the read/write/length operations to the next adaptor or final BasicIntValue class, instead of using inheritance as it was with message interface and implementation chunks. The overall architecture presented in this book doesn't require the field classes to exhibit polymorphic behaviour. That's why using inheritance between adaptors is not necessary, although not forbidden either. Using inheritance instead of containment has its pros and cons, and at the end it's a matter of personal taste of what to use.

Now it's time to use the parsed options and wrap the BasicIntValue with required adaptors:

Wrap with SerOffsetAdaptor if needed

namespace comms
template <typename TField, typename TOpts, bool THasSerOffset>
struct AdaptBasicFieldSerOffset;

template <typename TField, typename TOpts>
struct AdaptBasicFieldSerOffset<TField, TOpts, true>
    using Type = SerOffsetAdaptor<TOpts::SerOffset, TField>;

template <typename TField, typename TOpts>
struct AdaptBasicFieldSerOffset<TField, TOpts, false>
    using Type = TField;
} // namespace comms

Wrap with FixedLengthAdaptor if needed

namespace comms
template <typename TField, typename TOpts, bool THasFixedLength>
struct AdaptBasicFieldFixedLength;

template <typename TField, typename TOpts>
struct AdaptBasicFieldFixedLength<TField, TOpts, true>
    using Type = FixedLengthAdaptor<TOpts::FixedLength, TField>;

template <typename TField, typename TOpts>
struct AdaptBasicFieldFixedLength<TField, TOpts, false>
    using Type = TField;
} // namespace comms

And so on for all other possible adaptors.

Now, let's bundle all the required adaptors together:

namespace comms
template <typename TBasic, typename... TOptions>
sturct FieldBuilder
    using  ParsedOptions = FieldParsedOptions<TOptions...>;

    using Field1 = typename AdaptBasicFieldSerOffset<
        TBasic, ParsedOptions, ParsedOptions::HasSerOffset>::Type;

    using Field2 = typename AdaptBasicFieldFixedLength<
        Field1, ParsedOptions, ParsedOptions::HasFixedLengthLimit>::Type;

    using Field3 = ...
    using FieldN = ...
    using Type = FieldN;
} // namespace comms

The final stage is to actually define final IntValueField type:

namespace comms
template <typename TBase, typename TValueType, typename... TOptions>
class IntValueField
    using Basic = BasicIntValue<TBase, TValueType>;
    using Adapted = typename FieldBuilder<Basic, TOptions...>::Type;
    using ValueType = typename Adapted::ValueType;

    // Just forward all the API requests to the adapted field.
    ValueType& value()
        return m_adapted.value();

    const ValueType& value() const
        return m_adapted.value();

    template <typename TIter>
    ErrorStatus read(TIter& iter, std::size_t len)
        return, len);

    Adapted m_adapted;
} // namespace comms

The definition of the year field which is serialised using offset from year 2000 may be defined as:

using MyFieldBase = comms::Field<false>; // use big endian
using MyYear = comms::IntValueField<
    std::uint16_t, // store as 2 bytes unsigned value

Other Options

In addition to options that regulate the read/write behaviour, there can be options which influence how the field is created and/or handled afterwards.

For example, there may be a need to set a specific value when the field object is created (using default constructor). Let's introduce a new options for this purpose:

namespace comms
namespace option
template <typename T>
struct DefaultValueInitialiser{};
} // namespace option
} // namespace comms

The template parameter provided to this option is expected to be a class/struct with the following interface:

struct DefaultValueSetter
    template <typename TField>
    void operator()(TField& field) const
        field.value() = ...; // Set the custom value

Then the relevant adaptor class may set the default value of the field using the provided setter class:

namespace comms
template <typename TSetter, typename TNext>
class DefaultValueInitAdaptor 
    using ValueType = typename TNext::ValueType;


    ValueType& value()
        return m_next.value();


    TNext m_next;
} // namespace comms

Please note, that both comms::option::DefaultValueInitialiser option and DefaultValueInitAdaptor adaptor class are completely generic, and they can be used with any type of the field.

For numeric fields, such as IntValueField defined earlier, the generic library may provide built-in setter class:

namespace comms
template<std::intmax_t TVal>
struct DefaultNumValueInitialiser
    template <typename TField>
    void operator()(TField& field)
        using FieldType = typename std::decay<TField>::type;
        using ValueType = typename FieldType::ValueType;
        field.value() = static_cast<ValueType>(TVal);
} // namespace comms

And then, create a convenience alias to DefaultValueInitialiser option which receives a numeric value as its template parameter and insures that the field's value is initialised accordingly:

namespace comms
namespace option
template<std::intmax_t TVal>
using DefaultNumValue = DefaultValueInitialiser<details::DefaultNumValueInitialiser<TVal> >;
} // namespace option
} // namespace comms

As the result, the making the year field to be default constructed with value 2016 may look like this:

using MyFieldBase = comms::Field<false>; // use big endian
using MyYear = comms::IntValueField<
    std::uint16_t, // store as 2 bytes unsigned value

Other Fields

The Common Field Types chapter mentions multiple other fields and several different ways to serialise them. I'm not going to describe each and every one of them here. Instead, I'd recommend taking a look at the documentation of the COMMS library which was implemented using ideas from this book. It will describe all the fields it implements and their options.

Eliminating Dynamic Memory Allocation

Fields like String or List may contain variable number of characters/elements. The default internal value storage type for such fields will probably be std::string or std::vector respectively. It will do the job, mostly. However, they may not be suitable for bare-metal products that cannot use dynamic memory allocation and/or exceptions. In this case there must be a way to easily substitute these types with alternatives, such as custom StaticString or StaticVector types.

Let's define a new option that will provide fixed storage size and will force usage of these custom types instead of std::string and std::vector.

namespace comms
namespace option
template <std::size_t TSize>
struct FixedSizeStorage {};
} // namespace option
} // namespace comms

The parsed option structure needs to be extended with new information:

namespace comms
template <typename... TOptions>
struct FieldParsedOptions;

template <>
struct FieldParsedOptions<>
    static const bool HasFixedSizeStorage = false;

template <std::size_t TSize, typename... TOptions>
struct FieldParsedOptions<option::FixedSizeStorage<TSize>, TOptions...> : 
    public FieldParsedOptions<TOptions...>
    static const bool HasFixedSizeStorage = true;
    static const std::size_t FixedSizeStorage = TSize;

} // namespace comms

Now, let's implement the logic of choosing StaticString as the value storage type if the option above is used and choosing std::string if not.

// TOptions is a final variant of FieldParsedOptions<...>
template <typename TOptions, bool THasFixedStorage>
struct StringStorageType;

template <typename TOptions>
struct StringStorageType<TOptions, true>
    typedef comms::util::StaticString<TOptions::FixedSizeStorage> Type;

template <typename TOptions>
struct StringStorageType<TOptions, false>
    typedef std::string Type;

template <typename TOptions>
using StringStorageTypeT =
    typename StringStorageType<TOptions, TOptions::HasFixedSizeStorage>::Type;

comms::util::StaticString is the implementation of a string management class, which exposes the same public interface as std::string. It receives the fixed size of the storage area as a template parameter, uses std::array or similar as its private data member the store the string characters.

The implementation of the String field may look like this:

template <typename TBase, typename... TOptions>
class StringField
    // Parse the option into the struct
    using ParsedOptions = FieldParsedOptions<TOptions...>;

    // Identify storage type: StaticString or std::string
    using ValueType = StringStorageTypeT<ParsedOptions>;

    // Use the basic field and wrap it with adapters just like IntValueField earlier
    using Basic = BasicStringValue<TBase, ValueType>;
    using Adapted = typename FieldBuilder<Basic, TOptions...>::Type;

    // Just forward all the API requests to the adapted field.
    ValueType& value()
        return m_adapted.value();

    const ValueType& value() const
        return m_adapted.value();

    template <typename TIter>
    ErrorStatus read(TIter& iter, std::size_t len)
        return, len);

    Adapted m_adapted;
} // namespace comms

As the result the definition of the message with a string field that doesn't use dynamic memory allocation may look like this:

template <typename TFieldBase>
using ActualMessage3Fields = std::tuple<
    comms::StringField<TFieldBase, comms::option::FixedStorageSize<128> >,

template <typename TMsgInterface>
class ActualMessage3 : public 
        comms::option::FieldsImpl<ActualMessage3Fields<typename TMsgInterface::Field> >,

And what about the case, when there is a need to create a message with a string field, but substitute the underlying default std::string type with StaticString only when compiling the bare-metal application? In this case the ActualMessage3 class may be defined to have additional template parameter which will determine the necessity to substitute the storage type.

template <bool THasFixedSize>
struct StringExtraOptions
    using Type = comms::option::EmtpyOption; // doesn't do anything

template <>
struct StringExtraOptions<false>
    using Type = comms::option::FixedStorageSize<128> >; // forces static storage

template <typename TFieldBase, bool THasFixedSize>
using ActualMessage3Fields = std::tuple<
    comms::StringField<TFieldBase, typename StringExtraOptions<THasFixedSize>::Type>,

template <typename TMsgInterface, bool THasFixedSize = false>
class ActualMessage3 : public 
        comms::option::FieldsImpl<ActualMessage3Fields<typename TMsgInterface::Field, THasFixedSize> >,

Thanks to the fact that StaticString and std::string classes expose the same public interface, the message handling function doesn't need to worry about actual storage type. It just uses public interface of std::string:

class MsgHandler 
    void handle(ActualMessage3& msg)
        auto& fields = msg.fields();
        auto& stringField = std::get<0>(fields);

        // The type of the stringVal is either std::string or StaticString
        auto& stringVal = stringField.value();
        if (stringVal == "string1") {
            ... // do something
        else if (stringVal == "string2") {
            ... // do something else

Choosing internal value storage type for List fields to be std::vector or StaticVector is very similar.

Last updated